Manual or Electric Roller Shutters - Which One Do I Need?
There are 2 main types of Roller Shutters, but which one is best for you?
When it comes to deciding which roller shutters are right for you, manual or electric, there are a number of details that you need to consider.
From the location of the shutters themselves to the number that you are having installed, in this article, the Complete Shutter Services team will run through all the key factors which you should take into account before purchasing your roller shutters.

What is your Budget?
Firstly, what is your budget? Given that manual roller shutters aren’t controlled by electric motors and tend to be smaller than electric shutters, they will be cheaper, too.
If your business is a modest size and you’re on a relatively tight budget, then manually operated roller shutters would probably be the best call.
If, however, your business is much larger and you can afford electrically operated shutters, the performance-related benefits that come with these shutters will be more important than the increase in price.
Where are you based?
Before you purchase a particular type of shutter, it’s important to consider exactly where those shutters are going to be positioned. If they’re going to be in a location which is easily accessible, such as a shop front, then perhaps manual shutters would suffice.
However, in an industrial setting, if the shutters are going to be in particularly cold areas or areas with a contamination risk, then choosing electric roller shutters would minimise any potential harm to personnel.
How many shutters do you need?
To return to the example of a shop front, if you only need one lightweight roller shutter to protect your shop’s windows, then opting for manual shutters makes much more sense. This is because you really won’t be able to see the benefit of electrically operated shutters on this scale.
In an industrial setting, however, when you’re tasked with protecting a number of large loading bays which are stretched out across a site, manual shutters won’t cut it.
This is because, typically, manual roller shutters are operated by a system of cranks and winders, and the task of opening a great number of them will be very physically demanding. So, in this scenario, the great boost to efficiency from electric shutters would quickly outweigh the cost.
Do you want a remote controlled shutter?
A final note about electric shutters: it’s worth taking into account that they can be controlled remotely, whether by someone on the spot from a keypad, or even from a nearby office building. This is an important quality-of-life improvement for industrial sites where running downstairs to open a loading bay would be very impractical.
If you are looking for more information about our products, take a look at our wide range here.
We provide many different types of roller shutters, take a look through our commercial & retail shutters or have a look at our industrial shutters.
Contact our team for a free quote or a free survey! Call 0114 467 0388 or send us an email.